
Trademark Search, Application, and USPTO Follow-up Package

Flat Fee Package
$1000 Filing Fees Excluded
What's Included:
Trademark Selection & Search
-assist in the trademark selection process by reviewing and identifying existing intellectual property that would benefit from trademark or service mark protection
-once an appropriate trademark is identified, conduct a clearance search of the USPTO database, internet search, and state trademark registries to determine if the selected name is available
-the report includes a summary and recommendation whether to proceed and what obstacles may prevent registration

Trademark Application
-filing trademark applications with the US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO)
-properly drafting the description of goods and services
-selecting a strong specimen to show use of the trademark
-filing international applications in a variety of countries and regions through the USPTO's International Bureau

USPTO Follow-up
-negotiating with USPTO examiners to resolve procedural issues to allow trademark applications to proceed to registration
-submitting responses to USPTO Office Actions for likelihood of confusion, descriptiveness, improper specimens, or class descriptions
-filing maintenance documents with the USPTO after registration to ensure trademarks rights are maintained and enforced